With Gemini Sun in 9th house in your natal chart you are curious, communicative and fast-paced individual, who likes group travel and meeting new people. As a Gemini you are very curious. Your mercurial mind is always on the move and communication is your forte. Sometimes your thoughts are faster than your words, so you tend to talk fast and change the subject rather quickly. For that reason you may seem superficial to others, but you are gifted with a strong analytical mind which enables you to notice all the little details. It is true that deep abstract thinking is not exactly your cup of tea, but with the influence of the 9th house you also like to swim in the philosophical waters of earthly matters, like exploring in detail different cultures. Places with Sun in Gemini could give you the push you need to further your career, to reach your goals and above else to make you feel at home. CAREER Sun represents our ego, our goals and career, so th...
With Taurus Sun in the 9th house in your natal chart you are traditional, refined and sensual individual, who loves hedonistic ( in a good way ) vacations with great cuisine. Taurus is a gentle and sensual sign with enormous strenght and determination when it comes to business. Fond of beauty and charm, you like to expand your horizons in a way that enables you to enjoy in the beautiful things this world has to offer. Anything that stimulates your senses like art, music, fine clothes or food. As an earth sign, you feel a strong connection with nature, so a peaceful walk through colorful gardens is a good way for recharging your life energy. You are very traditional and like the safety of a routine, so situations and activities that change quickly are not the best choices for a Taurus Sun. CAREER The Sun represents our life essence and thus our vocation. Having natal Sun in this position, you are very hard working and ambitio...